plastic nature
february 6 2021 10am - 1pm

General Meeting at 9am, before workshop

by Natalya khorover 

Here’s a creative way to help clean up our planet: make art from single-use plastic bags. Just collect them for a few weeks and you’ll discover a myriad of colors, thicknesses, patterns and textures available to you. With my guidance, you’ll make art inspired by nature from said plastic bags. I will show you how to prepare the plastic, cut it and stitch it by hand and machine. You will experiment with different substrates and finishes, and create an artwork like no other.

Cost of Workshop: $40 for members, $50 for non-members.

List of supplies participants bring:

  1. Plastic bags and other plastic waste, in colors and clear. Start collecting!

  2. Pellon stiffener 70 or very heavy fabric for backing

  3. Pointy embroidery scissors

  4. Pencil, pen, and felt tip marker

  5. Tracing paper

  6. Sewing machine

  7. Basic sewing supplies and colored thread

    Registration Closes January 27

Please send checks payable to Surface Art Association to: Naila Sanders 356 Vinehill Drive, Altadena, Ca 91001

Your check must be received by January 27th. No last minute signups.